I have been a super slacker when it comes to blogging lately...eeek. Let's see if anyone is still reading this. Well since Hadley turned one (my last post) here is what we've been up to:
Hadley: She just turned 16 months last week! Wow time is flying with these kiddos. At her 15month appointment she weighed a whopping 20lbs and was 30 inches long (about the 25th percentile for both) She is itty bitty but so fiesty and tough. I will credit that to her brother. We said goodbye to her beloved pacifier and she has learned so many words since losing that "plug". I am not sure how many words she is saying but there are new ones each day. If any of you know Hadley, you also know she had one in her mouth and then one in her hand ALL of the time.
Here are the words I can think of just so she can read this later.
Mom, Daddy, Peter (peto), Lucy, Mimi, Gaga, Pa, MurrMurr, Otis ( mimi and murr murr's dog) Aimee, Angie, Manda, Holden (Holdy), more, bite, milk, juice, ball, baby, tree, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, bow, toes, pretty, cheese, beans, cookie, grape (gapes), thank you (tain too), drive, jump, bath, puppy, cows, cat, meow, bird (bod), horsey, hello (he-wo), up, down, out, pants, TV, glasses (gasses), no, yes, ni-night, bye, kiss, hold you, bebe (that's her blanky), boots, shoes, dress, diaper (diapa), tee tee, poo poo (thank you Peter once again, he thinks this is hilarious btw), and several others that are a lot harder to understand (or spell).
She tells me almost everytime she is going to the bathroom and I am really hoping this means early potty training sometime next spring. Hadley eats everything in sight but I know it won't last forever so I am giving her all the veggies I can before she turns three and then eats nothing. At this age she is still pretty clingy to me but has been letting Pete put her to bed a few times a week which I am so thankful for. She is pretty easy right now but I am starting to see some independence moments which will soon lead us into the "terrific two's!" :)
Peter: He is three and a half! What a handful too! Peter keeps us on our toes for sure. He keeps us laughing as well. I HEAR that he is just like me when I was little but I am not sure I fully believe that..lol. He loves to learn new things and his curiosity has been getting him into some trouble lately...among some other things...lol. Here is the yogurt bottle that he flushed "to see if it would sink or float". Pete had to take the toilet off of the wax ring to get this little thing out of the 's' bend of our overflowing toilet. Awesome...
This Christmas season has already been so fun with Peter! He is so excited about the tree, the lights, the advent calendar, the stories, etc. We had our FIRST paid babysitter to the house this week and Peter waited at the door for 20 minutes until she walked up. As soon as he saw her he started in with "KYLEE! Want to see how fast I am? Do you want to see my superhero shoes? Come look at my room! Look how high I can jump! Did you know that I am three and a HALF!!?" I said "Sorry Kylee, he might be a tiny bit excited that they get to have a babysitter tonight." :) And I am pretty soon he never stopped for the two hours I was gone.
Peter also found a red power wheels jeep in a catalog and has been asking for it for Christmas. Conveniently enough my sister had a red power wheels jeep in her garage that her kids were wanting to give to Peter. SO guess what is waiting for him in the shed? He is going to be super excited and I am going to have to give him some driving lessons in the meantime. Thankfully I can still outrun a power wheels motor. :)
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