Here's what Hadley was up to at 9 months!
-Almost 17 lbs - 25th percentile
She has one tooth so far and I am expecting another one soon. She still doesn't crawl on her hands and knees much although I have seen her trying it more lately. She scoots on her bottom or one hand, one foot, and one knee. She is always dragging some toy around in her free hand. She has completely stopped eating any baby food unless it is the kind that she can hold in the little pouch and squeeze into her mouth, and rarely takes anything from a spoon. She eats about anything she can pick up by herself. Her favorite thing to do is hide behind the living room curtains or the couch and play peek a boo with us. She thinks she is hilarious, really she is. Especially when we can see her smiling behind the sheer She still doesn't sleep through the night but is only waking up usually one time (only in the last month or so!). Which also means I have still not had a single full nights rest in over 9 months. It is really starting to wear on me! She is a pretty happy girl though and LOVES her big brother!