Saturday, March 26, 2011

Time flies when you are crazy. :)

I have been trying to take some pictures of the kids lately because I have been so bad about it since Hadley was born. I was just looking back at some of the old pictures and it all seems like such a blur! Peter will be three in May and Hadley already 8 months old tomorrow. Peter says the funniest things and I really need to start writing them on here so I can remember we will start with today. Earlier today I put him in time out and the whole time he was yelling from the other room, "MOM! I'M PRETTY SURE I WILL LISTEN THIS TIME! MOM, I'M PRETTY SUURRRRE!" lol. Peter I love you, but "pretty sure" will never get you out of time out early. Oh and I have to write this down too. I picked Peter up from Mother's Day Out last week and the teacher asked me to talk to him when we got home because he peed in the front yard of the Methodist Church on Main Street! Good gravy..I have been trying to explain to him that he can do that at Gaga and Pa's house in the country, out at the farm, or even in our back yard I don't care. But nowhere else. I keep getting "BUT Mooooom." No buts or

Hadley has learned to army crawl for a few weeks now but never very far. Today Peter and I were making Jello in the kitchen and I found Hadley by the front door eating leaves. Guess my days of leaving her on the area rug are gone. Want to know what we did after we made jello? Yep..Swept up all the leaves and mopped. :)

Enjoy the pics!