Saturday, January 24, 2009

A few pictures and videos from the week

Here are a few pictures from this week. We got to hang out with Carolyn and Emmet for a morning! So glad we got to see you guys! Can't wait to see you again! The boys were so funny together. They were not very sure about each other at first. Emmet starting singing and Peter started bawling and then Peter cracked Emmet in the forehead with a tambourine and of course he started bawling..sorry buddy! I think all things were smoothed out when Emmet shared his cheese puffs with Peter.

Right before the tambourine attack....
Today Peter got to see his girlfriend Presley. They practiced playing the piano...they are pretty much musical geniuses. You'll see what I mean when you watch the video.

To end the post I will leave you with a funny little clip of Peter falling asleep while sitting in his bed. He has been boycotting naps and bedtime all week long and will sit up until he just falls over :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The fun has begun....

Peter is crawling everywhere! Today has been wild especially. It is like his brain just clicked and he realized that he could go anywhere in the house. He found the bathroom, the dog food, Lucy's water bowl, Pete's shoes, and the doggy door all since he woke up from his first nap today. Things have definitely changed in our house the last few days. We have since broken in the safety gate.

Other than that the new year has brought lots of real estate calls, showings, and meetings. I have been dragging Peter all over town and Pete and I have been juggling him back and forth. I have also been going to the gym to a Zumba class this week! It is so much fun! I am enjoying every minute of it even though I look completely ridiculous. I missed going so much and haven't been since my first trimester when I was pregnant with Peter. They have childcare there which has been really nice. Pete has only 2 weeks left in his third semester of Hebrew (Good job babe!) and we are all looking forward to that part of seminary being over. Here is a video from this week. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lots of updates and a Happy New Year!

Sorry for the long time between blogs! Lots has happened since last time. We went to my home town for Christmas but ended up spending Christmas Eve and Christmas in Methodist Children's Hospital in San Antonio because Peter had RSV. It was terrible but after my initial emotional meltdown everything turned out ok. It was better that we were there and we still got to spend Christmas night with my family. He bounced back so quickly and is doing great now. We got a Flip Video Camera for Christmas which is amazing by the way and so I posted a few videos. At the hospital we were not in a private room so we shared the room with another little girl who had RSV and both of her parents. So there were six of us sleeping in that room! lol...i ended up sleeping IN THE CRIB with Peter. oh man that makes me was terrible..i have never slept in the same bed with Peter but it was either there or on the floor under the crib. I had the worst leg cramps ever that night. I almost killed Pete for getting the video camera out. This was a few hours before we got released to go home and Peter's breathing had improved so much.

This video is from the emergency room after I had held Peter down for a whole hour long breathing treatment and he finally went to sleep after he could breath a little. :( so sad..

In the hospital Peter learned how to pull up and stand in his crib. And since then he has learned to sit up from laying down, started crawling, and got a tooth! Here is his first tries at crawling. I will post more as soon as I get good video.