Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February Fun

I started this last month and never got around to publishing it until now.....sigh..

It seems like since I have started staying home with the kids that I rarely know the day of the week, the date or the time. It is hard to believe February is about over and that this week Hadley will be 7 months old. This month started off trying to get her to eat some solids. She has finally decided that she likes them and regularly eats sweet potatoes, avocados, banana, carrots, and most of the other normals so far. She loves the mum mum rice rusks or anything she can do by herself.

We were able to take the kids to the rodeo a few times thanks to some sweet friends who gave us tickets and of course I took no pictures. Peter loves the horses and bulls and probably the popcorn just about as much. Our good friend Hesbon came from Kenya to stay with us for about 5 days and the kids loved him. It was his first trip to the states and not at all what he expected he said. He had a good time and it is always an honor for us to spend time with him. Here are some pictures from the week! Here is Hesbon on the fake bull at the rodeo...lol.

My sweet Valentine balloon from Pete. I kept this balloon as long as I possibly could. It just made me laugh every time I saw it.

Hadley pooped out from eating her weight in carrots.

Hadley and Hesbon at the rodeo.

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