Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Catch Up!

Wow time flies when you are having fun! OR when you have a 2 year old and a 5 month old and lots of Christmas festivities going on. I have sat down to blog at least 5 times and didn't know where to start so...well I just didn't. Here we go!

First Pete took his vacation at the beginning of December as usual but we had some work to do on the house so we decided on a "stay-cation" this year instead. We enrolled Peter in Mother's Day Out two days a week to get him around some other kids and to give me some time with Hadley. He has been enjoying it a lot. We went to Fiesta Texas one day while Pete was off and watched the Nativity show with all of the live animals. They had a lot of little rides open that Peter could ride and believe me we rode every single one. Peter loved the train and rode it by himself at least three times. We also went to SeaWorld one day and saw their Christmas shows. After we watched the Sesame Street show, Peter kept telling us that he really needed to talk to Elmo and he needed to give him a hug so we waited around afterwards. You have to sign up before the show to take pictures with the cast but a family didn't show up and we got to take their spot. Peter could not take his eyes off of Elmo. Cookie Monster and Big Bird were hanging their heads because Peter didn't look at them once...lol. Guess I didn't realize how much he liked Elmo!
Hadley has really changed over the last month. She is finally not crying all of the time and is really a pretty happy baby. She will play by herself on the floor or in her exersaucer for 20 minutes several times a day which is so nice when I am getting meals ready or getting Peter and I dressed. She is figuring out how to spin all of her toys or pull the ones that play music. She jibber jabbers much of the day and has me wondering if she will be the talker her brother is. Her favorite place to nap is in the swing. Now if we could only get her to sleep at night! She turned 5 months old yesterday! We also got her ears pierced this month, which if you saw the picture on facebook, you know stirred up some controversy...lol...to be expected I guess. Oh well.

Hadley wearing my baby dress.

Loving the exersaucer!

We got all of our decorations up pretty early this year and Peter loved helping to decorate the tree and play with his nativity scene. We have the Fisher Price one and Peter figured out that baby Jesus fit just right for a ride in the donkey cart.

We found this little guy in our Christmas tree box.

One of the million shots for Christmas cards. :)

Went for a trip with Gaga and Holden to see Santa.
Pete's mom gave us tickets for "A Tuna Christmas" at the Majestic theatre this year. It was really funny and we had a great and much needed date night!

Eating dinner at Rita's on the River. Pete gave me my Christmas present there, a Pandora charm bracelet. I cried.

Getting ready for a birthday party for Jesus!

Christmas Day!

HAPPY 2010!

1 comment:

Pastor Pete said...

great post babe!!! I love you guys! WE did so much fun stuff this Christmas its good to read it all again.
