Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yard Sale, cloth diapers, and high heels! :)

Sorry for the LONG time between updates! Since I wrote last we went on our cruise (and didn't take one single picture), have been working lots, and have been loving the weather lately! We had a yard sale a few weekends ago but it rained most of the day and after the big surge of early bird customers not many people wanted to get out. We will probably have another one to make another attempt at getting everything out of the garage weekend after next. (Hopefully I will keep adding to the garage sale pile in the mean time.)

I have been nesting a little bit but haven't had time for too much yet. I just reminded Pete that at this time in my pregnancy we had painted the nursery and installed new floors...lol..not so much this time. The crib is in the room but only because we moved Peter out of it into a twin bed in December and had no where else to stick the crib. We still have plenty of time I guess. I have an appointment next week to get a sonogram! We are having a gender reveal party on the 8th so I am planning revealing BLUE to everyone. Pete is thinking pink...but I think he is wrong. :) On another baby note, we decided to get some cloth diapers for this next baby. We went ahead and ordered them and I have been "practicing" with them on Peter. They are adjustable so you can use them from about 8 or 10 lbs up through potty training. Peter thinks they are so funny but prefers them over his other diapers. They have been super easy to adjust to and no problems so far. I never thought I would even want to try them but we have been pleasantly surprised and hope to use them through a majority of the next ones diaper days. Just think..if we use them full time with the next one I will have already purchased all the diapers I will need for the next several years for baby number 2! I do think we will be using disposables at first when it is so tiny or when we are out and about (like at the church nursery, etc.)

Pete decided that we should plant a little garden this year so Peter and I worked on planting seeds in little cups yesterday. Hopefully by next week we will have some little plants sprouting and get to plant them in the ground! My family is all coming to our house for Easter so hopefully I will get some new pictures this weekend! Here is a little one that I am saving for Peter's Senior slide show/yearbook...lol.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I have always thought cloth diapers would be good to use too! I would definitely consider them next time around. I also love the idea of a gender reveal party. I will steal that too if we have another baby! :) Absolutely love the high heel picture!