Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Peter turned 1 on Monday! I can't believe how quickly a year passes by and everyone tells me that they seem to go faster as your children get older. I have also gotten this comment, "Now that he's one, don't you think it's time for more," more than once. Well to answer that, it depends on what day it is. Today my answer is...nope. was one of those days. We would love to have more kids. I have a been a bit nostalgic the last few days and can't help but post the newborn pics again. Here we are a year ago!

I was blessed with a natural and quick labor and delivery at 37 1/2 weeks. My water broke at 2:30 am and we skidded into the hospital in San Antonio just in time to have him at 4:09 am. No time for medicine or an IV or the had to "not push" until a lady dr. who was sleeping in the hospital ran down the hall. I think I should just have the next one in the bath tub...

This week has been crazy with work, planning for Peter's party this Saturday, and church stuff but in the midst of it all Pete has decided to celebrate Mother's day everyday this week. Monday: Georgeous flowers, Tuesday: A new pillow for me (I was excited...don't worry..i needed it) Wednesday: A one hour massage! Nice!On a side note..the swing set is done! I finished it up on Friday and Peter is enjoying it a lot. He can climb up the slide alone and then slide down on his belly.

Pete and the guys usually play basketball on Sunday evenings at our house so lately the wives and kiddos have been coming over to our house too. I love having everyone over. The kids are going to love these kind of pictures when they are older. That's all for now! I will post pictures of the birthday party after the weekend is up! -abby

1 comment:

Shaunna said...

It really has gone by so quickly!! Hope Peter had a great 1st birthday- Looking forward to seeing pictures from his party!!