Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quick note...

Need some advice from any moms out there. Peter is almost 10 months old and eating table food and some baby food still. I feel like I am in a feeding rut and don't what new things to try. What do/did your little ones like? Thanks!

Grandparents...i will have new pictures up later today..Peter took a visit to the barber shop this morning for haircut number two...


Shaunna said...

I feel like we are in that same rut too!! Let me know if you get some good ideas/advice!!

And Blake gave Addi hair cut #3 about 2 weeks ago!! Her hair grows sooo fast...Sounds like Peter's does too!!

Ashley said...

My kids are such picky eaters because I didn't let them try everything (because I'm a picky eater). Give him anything he won't choke on. And keep giving it even if he doesn't like it the first time. Try ALL kinds of fresh veggies. That's most important. Some egg whites maybe??? Black beans.

Heather said...

Hey Abby, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was in Phi lamb. Anyway, with Caleb he wouldn't eat baby food or rice cereal. So we have been eating table food from the get go. With only 2 bottom teeth for the longest time, this is what we would try: blueberries (cut in half), grapes (peeled and quartered), mango (it is soft enough to eat in small pieces), avocado, cucumber, tomato, apples (peeled and shredded with a cheese grater), grated carrots, pears, bananas, strawberries, boiled squash, steamed carrots or broccoli. Hopefully this helps.

Heather said...

oh yeah, rice and beans.

Leslie said...

Abby, this is a Mamaw's ideas.
We use vienna sausage cut size appropriate and even canned sliced carrot sized appropriate and whatever soft non chokable veggies and fruit. Seems to work as they reach the finger food stage. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing.