Monday, August 22, 2011

Hadley 1 year pictures

I shot a few 1 year pictures of Hadley in our yard on her birthday..enjoy!

Hadley turns 1!!

This year has flown by much faster it seems than Peter's first year! Guess that's what happens when you have 2! We were at the beach with all of my family the week before Hadley's birthday so we had a little party for her there and then another little party back home with Pete's family. At age 1 here is what Hadley is up to:
-She has 6 teeth.
-Still scooting around on her bottom, never has crawled on her hands and knees, but standing up by herself.
-Eats anything and everything. Sits at the table before everyone else and stays much longer than everyone, usually double fisting it still an hour into dinner.
-Stopped nursing a week after her birthday and drinks from sippy cups or straws. Never really liked the bottles, but LOVES the paci.
-Says Mama, Dada, bird (bod), bye bye, hello (huddo), hi, more (mo), up, no no (na na), puppy (bubby), baby, ball, uh oh, juice (any drink is juice), yum, boo, and sometimes even Gaga and Pa! -She is very dramatic and temper mental and often screams and throws herself on the floor "blaming" things on her big brother, but so silly and funny most of the time.
-She loves baby dolls, water, dancing and peek-a-boo.
-We have her one year well visit in the morning so I am not sure of her stats but I am guessing 20th percentile or so...we'll see.
Here are all of the pics from the birthday parties!

Summer Pictures!

Since Equador we have spent time resting, going to my sister's wedding (which was awesome), going to the beach and spending lots of time trying to stay cool. Here are random pictures from this summer!

Haddie and Emmi Lou

Sea Monsters William and Peter

The Grocery store in Peter's room...the bbq is the cash register by the way..

Took the paci away during the day and she always finds a substitute....rubber duck anyone?

Causing trouble as usual..

No hands!

My beautiful sister...doesn't this look like a magazine?

Seesters! (Aimee, Me, Angie)
Fun at Port A!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


We had felt God leading us for almost a year to go to Quito, Ecuador for our first experience with family missions. We prayed about it with much questioning from others on why we would take our young kids with us. We finally got to go June 7th through 17th and had such a great time! Our friends Larry and Amanda Castro live there and we had such a great trip and experienced so much of God's perfect timing and planning throughout the whole trip. We were blessed with a great team and such great friends. Can't wait to go back. Here are my favorite pictures...

Don't know what we would have done without Dominica!

Pete and Larry's wall.


Our awesome team!

Dance party! Happy to be together!

Finished classroom...

She got really good at this!