Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baby Shower

Some sweet friends of ours and Pete's mom were throwing a small shower for my friend Lori and I together since we had the same due date. Hadley surprised us and came a month early so she was already a week old when the shower came. I was ready to get out of the house for the first time so Pete watched Hadley for an hour while I ran over to the shower. It was wonderful and pink! Everything was so cute and Hadley got so many cute outfits! Thanks to everyone who helped and sorry I had to eat and run!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hadley is here!

So I am only a month late on posting this but I thought I should go ahead and write it all down before I forget. Hadley was born 4 weeks ago and weighed 6 lbs 1 oz. and 19 inches long. I didn't feel very good that Sunday before and told Pete I thought I might have her soon. I went in the next morning for my 36 week check-up and the doctor said I was already dilated to a 4! My mom came in that evening because we all knew it would be soon and fast since Peter was born so fast. I had some irregular contractions on Tuesday but no pain and nothing I could even time. I started feeling really nauseous that afternoon and called Pete to see if he could come home by 5. We chose to use our local hospital because with Peter I almost didn't make it to the hospital in San Antonio and we were afraid to chance it this time. I decided to go ahead and go up to the hospital even though my water hadn't broken and I still thought my contractions were pretty irregular. They were not painful, just uncomfortable and felt more like Braxton Hicks contractions, but I just felt like it was getting close. The three minute drive to the hospital was so nice! Also my mom was already here so I didn't have to worry about Peter being taken care of if they admitted me. I got checked in around 6:30 pm and was dilated to a 6 and having contractions 2 to 4 minutes apart. Still just feeling uncomfortable and crampy and was having to watch the monitor to see if I was having regular contractions. Nurses came in and got blood work done and papers signed and dr came in to check progress. I was at an 8 and starting to really have to breath through the contractions and focus on relaxing my muscles through the pain. I got up to go to the bathroom as many times as they would let me so I wouldn't have to sit in the bed. The contractions were starting to be as hard and close as they could be so they checked again and I was a 9.5. The dr said i could push as soon as he broke my water so I finally let I pushed twice and Hadley was born at 9:30! I had a natural birth with Peter and was able to do it again with Hadley. I am so thankful that it was relaxed and much less chaotic than the first one. Being born at 36 weeks, we thought she may have some lung issues but after some oxygen and iv fluids, her lung problem resolved itself and was clear by the second day.

At a 6 and having contractions every 2 to 4 minutes. Still no pain. Crazy!

At an 8, forcing a smile between hard contractions. :)

She's here!

No more tubes!

First family of four picture.

Meeting big brother.

Home at last!