Sunday, April 26, 2009

Catching up a little..

Beware this is a long and random post!! We have had a busy few weeks but they have been good! We have been finishing up the last of our laminate wood flooring in the office so now its time to get everything back into the house and clean out that garage! Just sold the table saw on Craigslist today. Woohoo!

Pete celebrated his birthday on the 19th and Steve and Scotty decorated Pete's office! Doesn't it look awesome?! He was SO surprised. We finally went out for his birthday dinner on Friday to Cheesecake Factory in San Antonio. YUM!
This week Peter and I also went to the zoo with the play group from church. We don't get to go to play group too often because I usually have meetings or showings scheduled and Peter is still pretty young for field trips but I majorly needed a day outdoors in the sunshine, and Peter could stay outside for weeks without fussing so we went for it.

Jana, we tried to get a picture by the elephants for you but as soon as we got to them, Peter crashed out in Codi's stroller. Next time you can go with us and ride on the elephants yourself! ya!
He had no morning nap and was full from lunch so he couldn't hold his eyes open any longer! I carried him all of the way out of the zoo and put him in his carseat and he never budged. :)

Peter is getting a swing set for his birthday present. Mimi had it shipped here on Friday and I have been working on it a little at a time. I want to have it together by May 9th because we are having family over for Peter's first birthday party and I want my niece and nephews to be able to play on it. So far I am on Phase 8 of 27. I will post pictures of my progress soon. far you can't tell much has been done except I have put the slide together, the ladder, the rock wall, and the glider. I am working on the frame now, so we will see how many days it takes me. Peter loves to be in the yard and especially play in the water that sprays out of the hose where it is connected to the faucet.
My computer's hard drive crashed last Sunday. I totally had that sick feeling all day wondering what I had lost that could never be retrieved because of my lack of backing up the hard drive. I was glad to see all of the pictures from Peter being born are still on the memory card in the camera. I HAVE to print those off this week! Ok sorry for all the randomness..I haven't taken any video of Peter in a while and so I thought I would post a few mostly for family. Nothing exciting, just our everyday life. Have a good week! -abby

Peter trying to perform one of his many death-defying acts of the day:

Hanging out in the kitchen:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I have never seen Simon so happy!

Oh my goodness...if you haven't heard about this lady Susan Boyle from Britain's Got Talent, you have to watch this clip. She came out and everyone was making fun of her and thought she was a joke and they were so wrong! I got tears in my eyes when I watched this! melts my heart! Ok I am a dork..just watch it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

South Beach!

Sorry for the long time between posts! Real estate has kept me busy the past few weeks and Peter has been a handful. I am really needing to find a daycare or someone to keep him consistently one or two days a week for a full day. It is getting harder and harder to work from home with him and by the end of most days I am so exhausted from juggling a full day of work with him that I am not sure it is good for either of us. I feel like I am not doing a good job at home, at work, or as a mom. In the midst of all of this...we got to go to Miami for a couple of days! Pete's friend Chris got married and Pete did the wedding. It was a much needed getaway and we got to spend lots of time together the few days before the wedding. We stayed right on South Beach. I loved every minute of it. We could walk anywhere we needed to go and put lots of miles on the jogging stroller. Here are a few pictures from our adventures! Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

This is how the first 3 hour leg on the plane wanted to crawl in a hole so bad. Not sure what was going on. I think his ears were hurting, he has never done this on the plane. I am pretty sure I swore to Pete that we would never be flying anywhere again.
Not too sure about the sand...

What do you think about Pete's tattoo sleeve? crack me up babe.
Us in front of a huge crazy tree

Pete, Peter, Andrew, and LaettnerHappier to be on the beach this time
Peter and I

Peter and Daddy
My little beach baby
Eating lots of sand
Much better flight home